September 27, 2012
Eating out with kids
We love to eat out. At least, we did…before we had kids. Now eating out with kids is a horror to be avoided when possible, and a hardship to be endured only when necessary. But occasions still present themselves when we are expected to dine in public with our offspring. And so it happens that I recently found myself in a kids-eat-free Mexican restaurant. We arrived with all the pomp and circumstance of a herd of elephants. Kids took off running into the dining area unbeknownst to parents. While said parents were trying to negotiate with the hostess for a quiet corner of the restaurant. We prefer to sit in a back room,where our noise and flying queso won’t disturb the other diners. But already, the disturbance has occurred. We reign in our children and remind them of the ground rules that we had rehearsed in the car only moments before, and make our conspicuous way to our table. The restaurant is packed and noisy. Just the type of place we parents like to go; the noisier the better. Perhaps they will not hear our screeching daughter above the din of the other restraunt patrons.
Any parent knows that the main goal when eating out is to 1) order as soon as you sit down 2) eat as quickly as possible and 3)get out of there before your kids embarass you. We sat down and promptly ordered three free kids meals and an adult entree for Aaron and I to split. The waiter took our order and promised to serve us in a timely and efficient manner. (I guess he wants us out of there as fast as we do!) Then we struggled for what seemed like an eternity, waiting for the food to come (it really was almost 11 minutes!!) Aaron and I took turns walking Miriam (aka the ‘screeching butterfly’) around the restaraunt and outside…while the other would do damage control at the table with the boys. This usually includes trying to make sure that we don’t lay down a thick carpet of chips on the floor, not coloring on anything but the coloring sheets, and trying to keep their cups upright (the waiter forgot the lids!!)
Finally, the food arrives. Or at least, the kids food arrives. The dear waiter was probably thinking he was doing us a favor by bringing out their food first. But having not even put our own order into the computer yet, we realized it would be another agonizing 15 minutes before our dinner arrived. The kids devoured their food in 90 seconds. Miriam had rice in her hair and was having a field day with the queso (who puts queso on a kids’ plate???) We waited as long as we could. I was trying to clean up Miriam when I looked up to see Jackson was UNDER the table (ick!) with only his legs sticking out. Caleb came over and tripped over his legs, busting his chin on the table. He screamed. Miriam screeched loudly. Jackson stood up under the table, and bumped his head…more screaming. A hush falls over the noisy restaraunt as everyone turns to observe the three ring circus going on in our corner. At this precise moment, the waiter arrives with our food. “Can we have that to go?” I asked, Miriam’s queso streaming down my shirt ”And our check too, please”
SOoooo…I realized I never posted pics from our trip to Seaside Florida. Here are a few so that I can remember we actually took that trip
Caleb has a thing for Pirate ships. We had to stop and see this one on our way!
Our Sago Palms. I used to love the way the new leaves would blossom overnight and unfurl. I was in awe of it every time! But after our neighbors dog died of sago palm poising, they had to go
Jackson’s birthday breakfast; chocolate chip pancakes on the ‘Happy birthday’ plate
Sleeping together in the beach house
Our sunset view. Breathtaking!!
The house we stayed in on Rosewalk. Aaron fell down the stairs and had a softball of an ankle!
Miriam, first time at the beach
What a doll! Get a look at that gorgeous sand and stunning water! I can’t believe how many sharks we saw in the water! I guess they have them in Galveston too, but the water is so dirty, we never see them ;o
Miriam’s ankles are always crossed; even when it is inconvenient to do so – like in the highchair where she has to squeeze both legs into one side!
We saw exact replicas of the Nina and the Pinta (Christopher Colombus ships) they were tiny! I asked how people could walk through them, but they said the average man was only 4’11″ (my how tall we’ve grown!!)